
Changsha Yuanhang packaging material Co., Ltd










  去年以來(lái),我出入境檢驗檢疫機構連續多次從來(lái)自美國、日本貨物的木質(zhì)包裝中截獲我國法律規定禁止入境的危險性有害生物――松材線(xiàn)蟲(chóng)[Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(Steiner&Buhrer)Nickle]。為防止松材線(xiàn)蟲(chóng)隨進(jìn)境貨物木質(zhì)包裝傳入我國,保護我國森林、環(huán)境、旅游資源及外貿出口,根據《中華人民共和國進(jìn)出境動(dòng)植物檢疫法》及其實(shí)施條例的規定,決定采取以下緊急檢疫措施:






  State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine

  Customs General Administration

  Ministry of Foreign Trade&Economic Cooperation

  NOTICE No.23

  Since last year,the China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Services(hereinafter referred to as CIQ)has continuously intercepted many times of the Pinewood nematode,[Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(Steiner&Buhrer)Nickle],associated with wood packing materials originating in the United States and Japan.The Pinewood Nematode is a dangerous pest prohibited from entering China by the Chinese law.In order to prevent the Pinewood nematode from introducing into China,and to protect the resources of forests,environment,tourist and the export of foreign trade of China,the following emergency quarantine measures shall be taken in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine and its regulations.

  I.All the shipments exported from the United States and Japan to China should avoid using wood packing materials made from coniferous trees.Otherwise,prior to departure,the wood packing materials must be treated with heat(the core temperature at 560C or above,for 30 minutes)or treated by other effective treatments approved by the Chinese side.Phytosanitary Certificate should be issued by the official plant quarantine departments of the United States and Japan stating that the wood packing material has been treated as above treatment measures.For those shipments using non-coniferous wood packing materials or not using wood packing material,the exporter shall issue the“Declaration of non-coniferous wood packing material”or“Declaration of non-wood packing material”.

  II.When the shipment from the United states and Japan arrives at the port of China,the importer must apply to CIQ for quarantine inspection and provide the Phytosanitary Certificate,Declaration of using non-coniferous wood packing material or Declaration of non-wood packing material.CIQ will check and conduct quarantine inspection according to related rule.The Customs shall,after verification,release the same on the strength of the stamps on the Customs Declaration Form affixed,or Notice for Customs issued,by CIQ.

  III.If the shipment does not comply with requirements described above,the wood packing materials must be separated from cargo and be treated by the importer,if the wood packing materials can not be separated from cargo,the wood packing materials should be treated together with the cargo,the cost of treatment should be covered by importer;If the wood packing materials can not be treated with cargo,the shipment should be returned.All the treatments must be conducted under the supervision of CIQ

  IV.The emergency measures will come into force on January 1st,2000 when the shipments depart from the United States and Japan to China.

上一篇: 鋼邊箱的做法及種類(lèi) 下一篇: 國家質(zhì)檢總局關(guān)于印發(fā)《對歐盟輸往中國貨物木質(zhì)包裝檢疫監管規定》的通知
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